WEBLAB New Zealand

Web Hosting at WEBLAB New ZealandWEBLAB New Zealand offers a set of comprehensive web-hosting packages to help you get your website online quickly and easily.
All packages come with the latest versions of PHP and MySQL, so you can get your dynamic websites up-and-running as quickly as possible.

Some of the main features of the web-hosting includes:

  • 5,000 MegaBytes of web server space - plenty of hard drive space for your site and files
  • 60,000 MegaBytes of web traffic monthly - in other words, if your web page is 20 KB in total file size, you would be able to receive 2.5 million(!) hits per month
  • 2,000 email accounts accessible by email applications through any internet connection and through web browser to help you check your e-mail while you travel. Choose any email name you wish (i.e. info@yourcompany.co.nz, yourname@yourcompany.com etc.)
  • Unlimited email forwarding, alias & autoresponders. To further help manage the flow of emails for your company you will be given unlimited email forwarding to any address, aliasing, and autoresponders
  • Statistics Package (analyse your traffic). Web site statistics allow you to view where your customers are coming from on the globe, how many times they visit and what they're looking at the most
  • Supports the use of leading web technologies like Shockwave Flash, MYSQL, PHP4 and PERL to enhance the visual appeal, security and functionality of your web site
  • 24 / 7 technical support by email or live chat or phone call
Total costs of hosting services are:
  • NZ$299 for one year (prepay, server setup fees and domain name registration "yourname".com or "yourname".co.nz for one year included)
  • NZ$459 for two years (prepay, server setup fees and domain name registration "yourname".com or "yourname".co.nz for two years included)
Additional services:
  • pointing of additional domain name on existing website - NZ$25 per pointer
  • email account setup on hosting server and customers computer by our personal - NZ$30 per account

All prices in NZ$ are exclusive GST. Offer valid till 01/11/2007. Basic setup can be done in 24 hours.

Please read our terms and conditions.